We welcome a New Cajun to the family
Picture: David Crowder
Dorien Llewellyn, the best overall skier in the world, recently breaking the World
Overall Record, completed his four year undergraduate program at Rollins College and has decided to become part of the Cajun Family as a Graduate student. Dorien graduated with his undergrad in Physics at Rollins College in 2019 and due to an injury at the start of his collegiate skiing career, was only able to ski for the “Tars” for three years. A Systems Technology graduate student, Dorien has decided to use his last year of collegiate eligibility skiing for the Ragin’ Cajuns!
picture: Jaret Llewellyn
Some people would say that for Dorien Llewellyn, water skiing was meant to be. With not one, but two world champion water skiers as parents Dorien confessed, “it was assumed that I would be the next skier in the Llewellyn water ski line.” Initially Dorien did not want to ski, it was always just him skiing by himself at home, which was not a lot of fun. He used to spend his summers in Austria and at about the age of 9 he began skiing with his cousins and other kids around the lake, and that is where his love of skiing began.
Team members recall the 2018 Collegiate Nationals when Dorien spent time under the Ragin’ Cajuns tent, cheering on fellow skiers. Team Captain, Harry Spavin remembers Dorien hanging out with the team and sporting Cajun colors on shore. From that moment, he knew there was a chance for Dorien to become a part of the Cajun Family.
When asked why he chose UL Lafayette for grad school Dorien explained it was a combination of being part of the ski team but also the opportunity to pursue his academic interests. In his senior year, with the assistance of a professor at Rollins College to help guide him towards the Systems Engineering program, he applied for the masters program and began taking courses that would further his academic career. He admits “the academics was a huge deal for me, but I didn’t want to give up skiing. Having a bunch of friends that went to Lafayette, and having a bunch of good skiers” helped Dorien make the decision.
One of the challenges is making connections with team members when many of the university classes are taking place online and all the fall collegiate tournaments have been cancelled. When asked how he was going to engage with the team, Dorien responded, “luckily water skiing is such a small sport and I already have good relationships with the team members. But you need to put time and effort into every relationship order for it to last”
Dorien pictured with fellow Canadian Team members & Cajun Team members: Guillaume, Taryn & Conley.
Being involved in other sports growing up, Dorien knows what it’s like to be a part of a team and how important that atmosphere is for success on and off the water. Collegiate water skiing is unique as it takes an individual sport and makes it a team sport. Team members need to count on each other, keeping one another accountable, and supporting each other. As a competitor from another college, Dorien observed the Cajuns truly come together as a team and knew if given the opportunity he wanted to be part of it. “Being able to be part of a team and compete for a top spot, that’s something I’ve been missing since I stopped playing hockey. I always loved that team aspect and camaraderie, lifting each other up when things aren’t going well
and also having that accountability when walking down to the dock, knowing that others are counting on you.”
And a National Championship wouldn’t hurt either!
Welcome to the Cajun family Dorien.